2In1 Beard And Face Shampoo 200Ml


€11,45 100ml
Best-Beardcare 2in1 Beard and Face Shampoo infused with a blend of premium essential oils is a professional deep cleansing shampoo. Specially formulated with powerful but gentle cleansing agents that instantly removes daily buildup of dirt, dust, grease, dandruff, and products. This will leave your skin feeling clean, refreshed and soothed. Best-Beardcare 2in1 Beard and Face Shampoo is very gentle and suitable for all skin types and will not strip away the natural oils in your beard or skin leaving it soft and comfortable after use. This is a must have product for anyone who has a beard or a moustache! Using a unique blend of premium grade oils and natural extracts, Best-Beardcare 2in1 Beard and Face Shampoo helps nourish your skin while eliminating product build up while nourishing it. It also eliminates any odors and leaves your face feeling clean, refreshed and rejuvenated. It has been designed for use on beards as well as facial skin and can be used on its own or in conjunction with your existing shaving regime. This product is completely safe for all skin types and hair types, as well as sensitive skin, so it can be used with any existing shaving regime. Start your day with Beast Beardcare 2in1 beard and face shampooThe shampoo has an immediate refreshing effect for an energetic start to the day. A blend of essential oil extracts including grapefruit, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, camphor, bergamot and menthol are incorporated into the formula to create an incredible fresh scent. Instructions for use:Apply a small amount of the shampoo to wet beard or skin and massage in circular motions. Rinse thoroughly with water and towel dry. In order to get the best results, follow with your favorite Best-Beardcare products and use them on a regular basis.

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